Arterial improvements:
Te Atatu Road Widening

Around 38,000 vehicles use Te Atatu Road to enter or exit the Northwestern Motorway (SH16) daily and numerous serious accidents were occurring along this 1.4km arterial connection. Auckland Transport decided to remedy these existing issues, while also focusing on reducing congestion and making environmental improvements.

Higgins led the overall $15m contract and chose United Civil to be their main subcontractor for completion of $7m civil works including site clearance, earthworks and site preparation; relocation, protection and reconnection of utility services; new stormwater drainage works and watermain upgrades.

Relocated utilities were Vector Gas, Vector Power, Vector Communications, telecoms, water supply, stormwater and sewer.

Key features included:

  • managing high traffic flow and pedestrians on a road surrounded by commercial, residential and school properties, while completing major civil works
  • installing 55 manholes, up to four metres deep
  • laying 1500 metres of RCRRJ stormwater pipe (reinforced concrete, rubber-end jointed)
  • installing 23km of service ducting for gas, telecom, electrical, power and ATMS
  • laying 3200 metres of water pipeline with diameters up to 355mm.

These works were completed to the client’s satisfaction, with no lost time injuries.

Benefits to date include better bus travel times and ease of passage for emergency vehicles; greater road safety for all users; more effective cycle and pedestrian facilities; more efficient traffic flow; improved stormwater management and landscaping.